
Amendments in Trademark Application

Amendments in Trademark Application

Setindiabiz TeamOctober 18, 2024
Overview: In this comprehensive guide on ‘Amendments in Trademark Application’, we have covered every aspect of Amendments in Trademark Applications under the Indian Trademark Act of 1999. From correcting applicant details to modifying trademarks and rectifying user date errors, we have shedded light on almost all common types of trademark amendments and delved deep into their implications in the trademark registration process.
The trademark law in India gives an opportunity for editing or amendments in trademark application, provided the extent of changes made by such amendments are minor and does not substantially affect the identity of the mark and the extent of goods and services covered by the trademark application. In case, the amendment is such which materially brings significant change into the filed trademark application, it will not be eligible for amendment and the applicant will have to move to a fresh application.
The correction or amendment permitted under Section 22 of the Trademark Act can be made any time after an application is filed and before the completion of the registration mark. If the amendments are made after advertising the mark, then it shall lead to re-advertisement which will eventually delay the registration of the trademark as well as put burden on the applicant’s pocket.

Common Amendments in Trademark Application

Trademark applications need to pass through a stringent examination process by the Trademark Registry. This process is followed to ensure compliance with legal requirements, protect the rights of applicants and the rights of existing trademark owners. However, it is common at some extent for applicants to realize the need for amendments/corrections in the applications, after filing them.
Common Amendments in Trademark Application
The common amendments that an applicant may make includes Changes in Name or Address of Applicant, modifications to the Trademark itself, rectifying errors of User date, or even altering the Class of goods or services. Gaining insight of the ‘common types of amendments in trademark applications’ and the ‘appropriate stages for filing’ them is necessary for a successful trademark rectification process in India. So, let’s go through the key amendments that can be made to a trademark application;

1. Amendment/Correction in the name or address of the applicant

The registrar generally accepts clerical mistakes and allows amendments in the trademark application. However, it does not allow you to replace the name of the applicant with some other person. In other words, correction of applicant’s name is allowed whereas with respect to trademark address change both correction as well as amendment is allowed.

2. Amendment of trademark

Where a mark is to be amended without the necessity of a fresh application, the applicant is generally required to file fresh representations of the mark as amended for substitutions in his application. In exceptional cases where the mark is in the colors and the applicant is unable to furnish or would be put to undue expense in supplying representations of the proposed amended mark in the original colours, the applicant is allowed to affect the amendments of the mark in most convenient way without altering the identity in the mark.

3. Amendment of user date

An application for registration of trade mark should state the date or period from which the mark applied for registration has been continuously used in respect of the stated specification of goods. Cases do arise from time to time before the registrar for correcting the mistake in the user statement.
In all such cases the onus is on the applicant to satisfy the registrar by evidence to make such changes. The correct date of user becomes significant as it affects the rights of parties by reason of priority in adoption of the mark. The practice of the registry is to allow such amendments wherever found justified by way of evidence.

4. Amendment involving change of class

The classification in the trademark application is relevant to identify the scope of the trademark’s use and as a matter of administrative convenience. It is also referred to as pigeon holes into which a trademark application can be put into. Based on the facts and circumstances of each case the registrar normally allows this kind of amendment in trademark application.

5. Stage at which amendment is applied and its treatment

The amendment in trademark application can be filed before its registration or rejection. Any amendment filed before the examination report is issued is considered to be a better one. However, if the amendment application is filed after the examination report has been issued then the application needs a fresh examination by the examiner.
Similarly, if the amendment application is filed after the trademark has been advertised then a re-advertisement is required. In case, the amendment is moved after a third party opposed the registration then that third party needs to be notified about the amendment clearly.

When Can You File an Amendment to Your Trademark Application?

The amendment in trademark application can be anytime filed before its registration or rejection. However, the best time to file an amendment is before the issuance of the trademark examination report. If the trademark amendment application is filed after the examination report has been issued then the application needs a fresh examination by the examiner, which may delay the registration process further.
In the same manner, if the trademark rectification application is filed after the trademark has been advertised, then a re-advertisement is required which may also make the process more lengthy. In case, an amendment is moved after a third party has opposed the application, then that third party must also be notified about the amendment, before getting its final approval by the Registry.

Understanding the possibilities and considerations related to amendments in trademark applications is crucial for ensuring a successful registration process. By gaining know-how of the common types of amendments and the stages when they can be filed, applicants can effectively navigate through the trademark registration process. Applicants must proactively identify necessary amendments to your trademark application and diligently follow the amendment process to increase your chances of securing robust trademark protection.



Q1: Can I make changes to my trademark application after filing?

Yes, you can make amendments or corrections to your trademark application after filing. However, the changes should generally be minor and not substantially change the identity of the mark or the goods/services covered. In the condition of major changes, one may need to file a fresh application for the same.

Q2: What types of amendments are commonly allowed in trademark applications?

Common amendments in trademark applications include corrections or changes related to the applicant’s name, address, modifications to the trademark itself (within certain limits), rectifying errors in the user date statement, and also changes in the class of goods or services for which the trademark is to be used.

Q3: When is the best time to file an amendment to my trademark application?

In general, it is advisable to file an amendment before the issuance of the trademark examination report. If you file an amendment after the examination report or after the trademark has been advertised, it may need a fresh examination or re-advertisement of the mark, and thus, will result in unnecessary delays.

Q4: What happens if a third party has opposed my trademark application and I want to make an amendment?

If a third party has raised a trademark objection to your trademark application, any amendments made to the application should be notified to the opposing party as well. They will require an opportunity to review and respond to the amendment before it can be approved by the Trademark Registry. Knowing about ‘how to reply trademark objection’ is a crucial step in amend trademark application.

Q5: Can I change the class of goods/services in my trademark application?

In some specific cases, you can amend the class of goods/services in a trademark amendment application. The Registrar generally allows such a type of amendment, depending on the specific facts and circumstances of each case. Consult a trademark professional to ensure the feasibility and implications of such changes.
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1 thoughts on "Amendments in Trademark Application"

  1. Explanations given in this clear guide is so beneficial & easy to grab. Keep up the good work!

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