Trademark Registration
Register Logo or Brand

Register your Trademark & protect your brands, logos, business names, labels, product or service names and domains swiftly with our expert online trademark registration services in India. We are actively protecting over 13.5K trademarks.
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File for Trademark Registration

The filing for trademark registration is the first step towards its registration; we offer end-to-end services for trademark registration

Package Inclusion:

Pricing Starts

₹ 1999 for India,

$99 for Foreigner

Govt Fee/Gst on Actual

Overview of Trademark Registration in India

₹ 1,999 for Indian/ $99 for foreign applicant + GST
₹ 4500 for Individuals, Startup & MSME. ₹ 9000 for others.
  • TM Filing being the first step – 24 Hours
  • Registration takes about 6-9 months.
Domestic and foreign persons can apply.
Trademark Search may be performed at
  1. Business Name/Brand Name
  2. Logo
  3. Domain
  4. Product Names
  5. Taglines/Slogans
  6. Labels and Packaging Design
  7. Unique Product Shapes
*** File your trademark Easily and Online with Setindiabiz assistance ***

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Get Started With Trademark Registration

The filing of an application for registration of a Trademark is the first step towards protection of your business name, brands, logo, label, domain name, punchline, etc., from being copied or to protect them from unauthorised use by others. At Setindiabiz, we understand the importance of this process and provide comprehensive solutions to secure your intellectual property. With our online offerings, it’s easy to register your Trademark in India and globally. The process begins with a simple call to us.

Why register a trademark?

Create a unique identity.

Build Goodwill of Business

Confers Legal Protection

Protects from Copycats

We serve all of India & Abroad

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Types of Trademarks with Examples

Various Intellectual Rights can be classified as trademarks. Below are some common types of trademarks, along with examples. You may read our wiki on the Types of Trademarks at

Business Name

Your business or company name is a vital trademark that should be protected immediately to prevent unauthorised use.


Company Logo

This includes unique images, artwork, or emblems representing your business. To register your logo, submit a high-resolution JPEG image.


Company Brands

Your business's products are often recognised by their names. These could be wordmarks or device marks (images).

Just do it

Punchline Or Slogans

Memorable phrases like Pepsi's "Yeh Dil Maange More" can be safeguarded through trademark registration in India.


Domain Name

Domain names can also be registered under Trademark Law, offering significant protection from quickly copying URLs with different domain extensions.

Sound Mark

Sound Mark

Unique sounds associated with your business, like the Airtel ringtone or ICICI jingle, can be registered as Trademark in India.

Process of Trademark Registration in India

Filing the trademark is the first step towards securing registration of marks under the Trademarks Act, 1999. Registration is a multi-stage process and may not be the same in all cases; however, the following are the chronological steps that may be taken.
  • step-1
    Trademark Classification and Public Search

    Trademarks are categorised into 45 classes based on the type of activities they are associated with. Classes 1-34 are for goods, while classes 35-45 are for services. The first step is to select the class under which your trademark is registrable based on its use description. After that, we thoroughly searched for the same or similar trademark that may have already been registered or filed with the Registrar of Trademarks.

  • Step-2
    Documentation for Registration of Trademarks

    To file the trademark application, an online process, an affidavit concerning usage date, and attorney authorisation must be prepared on non-judicial stamp paper, which is to be duly notarised. We will also share a questionnaire to collect the information filed in the Trademark Application.

  • Step-3
    Trademark Application Filing

    The filing of the trademark is an online process and should be filed with the help of a Trademark Agent or Attorney. We facilitate the filing of trademark applications with the support of Trademark Attorneys. The draft application is shared for your approval and after we receive your confirmation the application is then filed with 24 hours, subject to availability of servers of the Trademark Portal.

  • Step-4
    Reply to Examination Report

    An examiner reviews the trademark applications filed to determine their registrability under sections 9 and 11 of the Trademarks Act, 1999. The Examination Report contains the examiner's observations, and the applicant has 30 days to file a suitable reply. We help draft and file a reply to the Examination Report.

  • Step-5
    Show Cause Hearing before the Examiner

    If the examiner is not satisfied with the written reply to the trademark Examination Report, the applicant is given a chance for a personal hearing through videoconferencing. Our panel of trademark attorneys is experienced in handling show-cause hearings.

  • Publication of Trademark & Oppositions

    After the trademark examiner approves the application, either at the time of examination or during the show cause hearing, it is published in the Trademark Journal and open to public opposition. The published trademarks are available for the public to oppose their registration within 90 days from the publication date. The trademark will be registered if no opposition is received within this period.

  • Registration of Trademark.

    Finally, the Registrar of Trademarks issues a Digital Trademark Certificate in the applied class with the Trademark Description. The trademark registration remains valid for ten years from the date of application and can be renewed for subsequent ten-year periods. We strongly advise you to obtain a Certified Copy of Trademark Registration.

Cost of Trademark Registration in India

Registering a trademark in India involves various costs such as the government filing fee, professional fee, GST on professional fee, and stamp duty and notary charges. The government filing fee varies depending on the type of application and entity, while the professional fee may vary depending on the complexity of your case. It’s worth noting that not protecting your trademark can lead to far greater costs in the future. To give a clearer idea, here’s a table showing the total cost of the Trademark Filing (Trademark Fees) Package for different types of applicants.
No Cost Component For Individual or
Company, LLP etc
All Others
Foreign Entity
Government Filing Fee
₹ 4,500
₹ 4,500
₹ 9,000
$ 108
Setindiabiz Fee
₹ 1,999
₹ 1,999
₹ 1,999
$ 99
GST on Prof Fee
₹ 360
₹ 360
₹ 360
$ 18
Total Filing Cost
₹ 6,859
₹ 6,859
₹ 11,359

$ 225

Note: Please note that the cost of Stamp Duty and Notary towards the attorney authorisation and user date affidavit is not included in the above table as it may vary from place to place. We do not provide support in procuring the stamp paper and notary. However, we will draft the documents required for attestation.

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Timeline for Trademark Registration in India

The time required to register a Trademark depends on the individual merits of each mark, which comprises its distinctive character, user date, and description. The standard timeline may be as follows.

1-2 Days

Filing of Trademark Application

1-3 Months

Examination of Trademark & Reply Filing

2-6 Months

Show Cause Hearing & Publication

6-9 Months

Registration of The Trademark

The trademark registration process begins with filing an online application in Form TM-M with the Registrar of Trademarks. We will file your trademark application within 24 hours Upon receipt of the necessary documents.

Trademark applications undergo a review process, also known as “Examination”, that usually lasts 1-3 months. If there are any objections, the applicant will be notified through an Examination Report and must respond within 30 days.

If the examiner is not satisfied with the written reply to the examination report, then the examiner will fix a show cause hearing. After the examiner's satisfaction, the trademark is published in TM Journal, which remains open for public opposition for three months.

After a waiting period of three months from the publication, and in the absence of opposition from the public, the Registrar of Trademarks issues a Certificate of Trademark Registration, which remains valid for a period of ten years.

1-2 Days

Filing of Trademark Application

The trademark registration process begins with filing an online application in Form TM-M with the Registrar of Trademarks. We will file your trademark application within 24 hours Upon receipt of the necessary documents.

1-3 Months

Examination of Trademark & Reply Filing

Trademark applications undergo a review process, also known as “Examination”, that usually lasts 1-3 months. If there are any objections, the applicant will be notified through an Examination Report and must respond within 30 days.

2-6 Months

Show Cause Hearing & Publication

If the examiner is not satisfied with the written reply to the examination report, then the examiner will fix a show cause hearing. After the examiner's satisfaction, the trademark is published in TM Journal, which remains open for public opposition for three months.

6-9 Months

Registration of The Trademark

After a waiting period of three months from the publication, and in the absence of opposition from the public, the Registrar of Trademarks issues a Certificate of Trademark Registration, which remains valid for a period of ten years.

Why Choose SetIndiaBiz for Trademark Registration?

Choose SetIndiabiz for trademark registration and get comprehensive services from a team of skilled professionals with vast experience handling various trademark-related matters, including startup trademarks. We offer personalised attention, transparent pricing, dedicated support, fast and efficient service, and a track record of thousands of successful trademark filings. Trust us with your brand’s protection, and focus on growing your business while we handle the legal complexities.

Leading Brands Rely On Our Expertise

Pharma Clinix
larson and turbo

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a trademark, and how do you register a brand?

A trademark is a unique symbol, sign, word, or combination of all these elements used to differentiate the goods or services of one business from those offered by others. It can include brand names, logos, slogans, and even unique sounds or colours. The process of registering a brand is simple and can be done online.

2. What are the benefits of trademark registration?

Registering your trademark provides you with exclusive rights to use it, builds trust and goodwill, creates an intangible asset that gains value over time, allows you to use the ® symbol, provides stronger legal protection against infringement, and extends this protection at a low cost for ten years, which is renewable indefinitely.

3. What can be registered as a trademark in India?

You can register different intellectual properties in India, such as business names, logos, brands, slogans, domain names, product labels, unique sounds, and even colours, as long as they are unique and do not conflict with existing trademarks.

4. What is the validity of a trademark registration?

Once a trademark is registered, it is granted legal protection for ten years from the registration date. Once this period expires, the trademark owner can renew it indefinitely every ten years to ensure it remains protected.

5. What is the process for trademark registration in India?

The trademark registration process involves filing the application in TM-A, followed by its examination by the trademark examiners. Replying to the examination report and holding a show-cause hearing are stages to remove departmental objections. After all the objections the registrar raises are removed, the application is published in the Trademark Journal, inviting any third-party objection. After the lapse of 4 months from the publication date, the trademark gets registered.

6. What is a trademark search, and why is it important?

A trademark search involves checking the trademark registry to ensure your desired trademark is not already registered or pending registration under the same or similar class. This helps avoid potential conflicts or infringement cases.

7. Can I use the ® symbol immediately after filing my application?

No, the symbol ® can be used over the mark when the trademark is registered and not after the trademark filing. The symbol TM can be affixed after the trademark is filed.

8. What happens if the public opposes the trademark?

If any person from the public at large opposes the trademark, the matter will then be heard by the Registrar of Trademarks. The Registrar will examine the evidence and arguments presented by both parties and decide on the registration of the trademark.

9. What is the process for public opposition?

Suppose someone believes that a trademark application should not be granted. In that case, they can file a notice of opposition with the Trademark Registry within four months of the publication of the application in the Trademark Journal. The notice of opposition must state the grounds for opposition and the evidence supporting those grounds. The trademark applicant can then file a counter-statement within two months of receiving the notice of opposition. The parties can then provide evidence in support of their respective positions, and the Registrar will decide the matter based on the evidence and arguments presented. If the opposition is successful, the trademark will not be registered.

10. What are the documents required for trademark registration?

The documents required typically include a copy of the logo or brand name, proof of the applicant’s identity and address, and a signed Power of Attorney. In case of a claim of prior usage, proof of usage might also be needed, or an affidavit of usage data is to be filed.

11. What does trademark classification mean?

Trademark classification is the process of categorising goods and services into 45 different classes. These classes are used for trademark registration, where classes 1 to 34 are for goods and classes 35 to 45 are for services. As a signatory to WIPO, India follows the Nice Classification system for this purpose. You can refer to the entire list of classifications at This. This classification system assists in identifying and grouping the goods or services represented by a trademark.

12. What is the difference between 'TM' and 'R' symbols?

The ‘TM’ symbol stands for applied trademark and indicates that a trademark claimed by a business is under consideration before the registrar of trademarks for grant of registration. On the other hand, the ‘R’ symbol stands for a registered trademark.

13. How long does it take to register a trademark in India?

The time taken to register a trademark in India can vary, but it takes between 6 and 9 months on average.

14. Can a foreign individual or entity apply for trademark registration in India?

Yes, a foreign individual or entity can apply for trademark registration in India with a valid service address.

15. What is the cost of trademark registration in India?

The government filing fee for trademark applications varies depending on the applicant type. For individuals, startups and msme, the govt fee is ₹4500, and for others, it is ₹9000/-. Apart from the govt fee, the professional fee and gst are also part of the cost.

16. What happens if I don't renew my trademark after ten years?

If you fail to renew your trademark after ten years, it may be removed from the Register of Trademarks and become available for others to register. However, you have a grace period of 6 months post-expiry to renew it with a late fee.

17. What is a trademark objection?

When you apply for a trademark in India, the Trademarks Office will examine your application to ensure it meets the requirements set out in the Trademark Act, 1999 and the Trademark Rules, 2017. If the examiner finds any issues with your application, they will issue a report called an Examination Report. This report will explain why your trademark has been objected to. You will then have 30 days to respond to this report. To overcome the objections raised, you must provide evidence or arguments that address the issues raised in the report.

18. Can I sell or transfer my trademark to someone else?

Yes, a registered trademark is an intangible asset that can be sold, transferred, or licensed to another entity through assignment.

19. Is it necessary to register a trademark?

While it’s not mandatory to register a trademark in India, it’s highly recommended. Unregistered trademarks are only protected within the geographical area of their use, while a registered trademark enjoys nationwide protection.

20. What is a Certification Mark?

A certification mark is a trademark that shows consumers that particular goods or services or their providers have met certain standards.
A trademark protects brand names, logos, and other brand identifiers. A copyright protects original works of literature, art, music, cinematograph, etc. A patent, on the other hand, protects new inventions or industrial processes.

22. Can I register a trademark for a name or logo I haven't used yet?

Yes, you can apply for a trademark for a name or logo you plan to use. This is known as an “intent-to-use” application.

23. What happens if my trademark application gets rejected?

If your application is rejected, you have the right to appeal to the High Court (Earlier, it used to be with the Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB), which is now dissolved. You can appeal within three months from the date of the receipt of the order rejecting the application.

24. What are the penalties for trademark infringement in India?

Penalties for trademark infringement in India can be severe. They can include fines, imprisonment, or both, depending on the nature and scale of the infringement.

25. Can a single trademark application be made for multiple classes?

Yes, a single trademark application, known as a multi-class application, can be made for multiple classes. However, the government fee will increase with each additional class.

26. Can I change my trademark after it’s been registered?

Once a trademark is registered, it cannot be amended to alter the mark substantially. However, minor changes may be possible under certain circumstances. A new trademark application would need to be filed for a significant change.

27. How do I renew my trademark?

Trademark renewal can be done by filing a renewal request with the prescribed fee at the Trademark Registry, either online or offline. This should be done within six months before the registration or renewal term expires.

28. What is a Collective Mark?

A collective mark is a trademark owned by an organisation (such as an association or cooperative), used by its members to identify themselves with a level of quality or accuracy, geographical origin, or other characteristics set by the organisation.