Director KYC (DIR-3 (KYC)
Order Form)
Note on Government Fee: The DIN KYC filing deadline for the financial year 2022-23 was September 30, 2023. Filing the DIN KYC by the due date results in no government fees (“NIL”). If you failed to submit the DIN KYC for FY 2022-23, you must pay an additional government fee of ₹5000 per DIN to file the DIN KYC for FY 2023-24. Additionally, please note that this order form only calculates the professional fee.
What Happens After You Place Order With Us
The above calculator is designed to simplify the online ordering process for filing Director KYC. By placing an order using your email ID, you create a service ticket that can be tracked at Existing users of our support portal can log in with their email and password, while new users can reset their passwords using the “Forgot Password” link. Upon receiving your order, we will promptly assign a dedicated support staff member to coordinate with you throughout the DIN KYC filing process, ensuring a single point of contact for your convenience. For further assistance, you can always reach out to our Customer Support team via call or WhatsApp chat at 📞+91-9560900901. We are committed to providing a smooth and hassle-free DIN KYC filing experience.