Registering your brand name and logo under the trademark act is necessary to provide it a legal shield against infringement or any kind of misuse of these primary point of contact and recogntion of a company. Register your business brand name and/or logo as soon as possible to put a halt on any sort of infringement and misuse of your brand name, logo or other products/services, etc.
The trademark registration documents needed for trademark registration may vary from one entity (whether individual or business) to others. The blog helps you develop better insights into required documents for trademark registration with the list provided.
In this highly competitive business world, building a brand requires multitudinous efforts. And therefore, protecting a brand’s vital assets primarily Name and Logo has come up as the need of the hour. Trademark registration is the tool that provides full protection to your company’s primary point of contact and identification. It enables potential customers, business professionals or other people to know about the brand and its area of operations.
A trademark registration application for registering brand name or logo or both can be filed by an individual or business entity if they fulfill the eligibility criteria and have all the documents required for trademark registration.
Hi, I am Mahi. It’s great to learn about the documents required for trademark registration. Must appreciating work.