Professional Tax Rates in Maharashtra

The state of Maharashtra has passed an Act known as the Maharashtra State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Act, 1975 with the purpose to collect revenue to be used in Employment Generation Guarantee Scheme. Following are the persons which require itself to be registered with the Professional Tax Department of Maharashtra are as under: professional tax rates in Maharashtra
S.No | Type of Person |
1. | Every employer. |
2. | Persons acting as Directors of the Companies, the Partner of a firm or designated partner and partners of Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). |
3. | The persons like HUF, firm, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), Company, Corporations, other Corporate bodies, any societies, Club or Association. |
4. | Professionals like Legal Practitioners including Solicitors and Notaries, Medical Representatives including Medical Consultants and Dentists, Doctors, Chartered Accountant, Company Secretaries, Management Consultants, Architectures, Engineers, RCC Consultants, Tax Consultants, Insurance Agents. |
There are various other entities which is required to register itself under the Professional Tax laws of respective states in India and to pay the taxes on time and to file appropriate Professional Tax Return.
Maharashtra Professional Tax Slab for Financial Year 2016-17
Monthly Salary | Professional Tax (P.M) |
Up to Rs. 7,500/- | Nil. |
Rs. 7,501/- to Rs. 10,000/- | Rs. 175/- |
Above Rs. 10,001/- Women who earn Salary up to Rs. 10,000/- per month are exempted from paying Professional Tax | Rs. 200/- per month however in the month of February Rs. 300/- (Thus equal to Rs. 2,500/- per annum) |
Maharashtra Professional Tax Slab for Financial Year 2015-16
Monthly Salary | Professional Tax (P.M) |
Up to Rs. 7,500/- | Nil. |
Rs. 7,501/- to Rs. 10,000/- | Rs. 175/- |
Above Rs. 10,001/- | Rs. 200/- per month however in the month of February Rs. 300/- (Thus equal to Rs. 2,500/- per annum) |
Maharashtra Professional Tax Slab for Financial Year 2009-14
Monthly Salary | Professional Tax (P.M) |
Up to Rs. 5,000/- | Nil. |
Rs. 5,001/- to Rs. 10,000/- | Rs. 175/- |
Above Rs. 10,001/- | Rs. 200/- per month however in the month of February Rs. 300/- (Thus equal to Rs. 2,500/- per annum) |
Exemption from payment of Profession Tax
- The Badli workers in the Textile Industry.
- Any person suffering from a permanent physical disability (including blindness) which has the effect of reducing considerably such individual’s capacity for normal work or engaging in a gainful employment or occupations.
- Parents or Guardian of any person who is suffering from mental retardation specified in the rules made in this behalf, which is certified by a psychiatrist working in a Government Hospital.
- The person who have completed the age of 65 years.
- Parents or Guardians of a child suffering from a physical disability as specified in Para 2.
Meaning of Salary or Wages
“Salary” or “Wage” includes pay or wages, dearness allowance and all other remunerations received by any person on regular basis, whether payable in cash or kind, and also includes perquisites and profits in lieu of salary, as defined in Section 17 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 but does not include bonus in any form, and on any account or gratuity. professional tax rates in maharashtra