How to check FSSAI License Number online?

  • Setindiabiz Team
  • June 27, 2024
How to check FSSAI License Number online?
How to check FSSAI License Number online?
Learn how to check FSSAI License Number online to verify the authenticity and compliance of food businesses. Discover the significance of FSSAI license number in ensuring food safety and quality in India.
The ever-growing and developing food industry in India requires a thorough control over safety, quality, and compliance. FSSAI license number is a vital instrument in this pursuit. The FSSAI license number is a unique identification code assigned to businesses involved in production, distribution, and sale of food products in India. It is a testament to food safety and compliance which carries immense importance for both businesses and consumers alike.
Issued by the Food Safety and Standards Authority, FSSAI license number serves as a marker of authenticity and adherence to strict food safety standards. It confirms that a food business operator has met the necessary hygiene and safety criteria, reinforcing trust among consumers. You can check FSSAI License Number online to verify details of the license holder, status of the license, its validity, business activity of the FBO, and more.

What is a FSSAI License Number?

Every eligible food business operator in India must apply for a FSSAI license online. After obtaining the FSSAI license, food business operators are given a unique 14-digit FSSAI license number that must be displayed on their premises. Whether you’re a retailer, wholesaler, restauranter, bartender, or any other type of food business, having a FSSAI license number and complying with its regulations is absolutely mandatory. The 14-digit FSSAI license number is divided into five sections, and each of these sections has a different significance.

Here are the details for the five sections of the FSSAI License number:

Section 1- Comprises the first digit indicating the registration status of a food business.
Section 2- Comprises the second and third digits representing the state code of the state where the business is registered.
Section 3- Comprises the fourth and fifth digits reflecting the year in which the food business was registered.
Section 4- Comprises the sixth, seventh, and eighth digits indicating the number of enrolled masters.
Section 5- Comprises the ninth to fourteenth digits and shows the FSSAI license number.

How to Check FSSAI License Number Online?

Rapid digital transformations across industries has made the verification of a FSSAI license number easier than you can imagine. With the convenience of one-stop online platforms like FoSCoS , individuals and businesses can now readily check FSSAI License Number online to ensure that the food products they consume or deal with meet the highest safety and quality standards. The following step-by-step guide to check FSSAI license number online will help you understand the details of the process better.
How to Check FSSAI License Number Online

Step 1: Visit the FoSCoS Website

Start by accessing the FoSCoS website (Food Safety Compliance System). FoSCoS, or the Food Safety Compliance System, is an online platform developed by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) to facilitate the registration, licensing, and compliance monitoring of food business operators.

Step 2: Navigate to "FBO Search”

Once on the FoSCoS website, look for the ‘FBO Search’ option. It appears on the homepage in the main menu bar. Click on this option and you will be directed to a new page.

Step 3: Submit Company Name & FSSAI Licence / Registration Number

On the new page, you will typically be prompted to enter specific details. Provide the company name along with the FSSAI license or registration number that you want to verify. Double-check the accuracy of the information entered to ensure precise results.

Step 4: Check FSSAI License Number Online

After submitting the required information, the system will process your request and display the license number details associated with the provided information. This should include information about the food business operator, license status, and validity period.

Details Displayed When You Check FSSAI License Number Online

When you check FSSAI license number online, you’ll gain access to vital information about the food business operator’s compliance and registration. These details are invaluable for consumers, regulatory authorities, and business partners as they provide transparency and assurance regarding the food business operator’s adherence to food safety standards and quality practices. Here are the key details you can typically expect to see.
  • Business Name: The name of the food business operator (FBO) or company associated with the FSSAI license.
  • FSSAI License Number: The license number you’ve entered for verification, confirming its validity.
  • License Type: The type of FSSAI license held by the business, which can vary based on the nature and scale of operations (e.g., State License, Central License).
  • Status of License: Whether the license is active, suspended, or expired. An active license indicates compliance with food safety regulations.
  • Date of Issue: The date on which the FSSAI license was originally issued, indicating the start of compliance.
  • Expiry Date & Validity: The date until which the FSSAI license remains valid, highlighting the need for renewal before expiration.
  • Business Address: The physical address of the food business premises, aiding in locating and verifying its existence.
  • License Holder’s Details: Information about the individuals or entities associated with the FSSAI license, including contact information and key personnel.
  • Food Category: The specific food categories or types of products covered under the license, ensuring alignment with the business’s operations.
  • Scope of Operations: A description of the food-related activities and processes permitted under the license.

Usage and Compliance of FSSAI License Number

Ensuring the correct and consistent usage of the FSSAI license number is vital for compliance. It not only establishes transparency but also helps maintain the integrity of food safety and quality standards, ultimately benefiting both businesses and consumers. The FSSAI license number serves as a crucial identifier for food business operators and plays a pivotal role in ensuring transparency and compliance within the food industry. Here’s how and where the FSSAI license number is typically used:
  1. Display at Business Premises: As a mandatory requirement, the FSSAI license number must be prominently displayed at the food business operator’s premises. This includes restaurants, food manufacturing units, retail stores, and warehouses. This display showcases the business’s commitment to adhering to food safety and quality standards.
  2. On Product Packaging: Food products, especially those manufactured or distributed by the food business operator, should bear the FSSAI license number on their packaging. This labeling practice assures consumers that the product meets regulatory standards.
  3. Online Listings and Menus: In the digital age, food businesses often list their products and services online. The FSSAI license number should be included in online menus, listings, and websites, providing potential customers with easy access to verification.
  4. Supply Chain Documentation: Throughout the supply chain, the FSSAI license number is essential for traceability and accountability. It appears on invoices, purchase orders, and other relevant documentation, allowing stakeholders to verify the legitimacy of the source.
  5. Consumer Queries and Complaints: When consumers have queries or concerns about food products, they can reference the FSSAI license number to ensure the legitimacy of the business. This transparency empowers consumers to make informed choices.
  6. Inspections and Audits: During routine inspections and audits conducted by FSSAI authorities, the presence and accuracy of the FSSAI license number are verified to confirm that the business is compliant with regulations.
  7. Import and Export: For food products being imported or exported, the FSSAI license number is crucial for compliance with international food safety standards and regulations. It assures foreign countries that the products meet India’s stringent safety criteria.
  8. Advertising and Promotion: In marketing and advertising materials, food businesses may feature their FSSAI license number as a symbol of trust and quality, which can enhance their brand image.
  9. Food Event Participation: Businesses participating in food-related events, exhibitions, or fairs often display their FSSAI license number to establish credibility among event attendees.

How can Setindiabiz help you?

At Setindiabiz, our mission is to streamline the entire spectrum of company compliance requirements, and this includes comprehensive assistance to food business operators seeking FSSAI registration and licensing. From initial FSSAI license applications to meticulous documentation, we ensure accuracy and a seamless process. Moreover, we extend our support beyond acquisition and also help you check FSSAI License Number Online, so that you can verify critical details related to your business. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or for expert guidance – we’re here to simplify your journey in the food industry.

The FSSAI license number stands as a beacon of assurance in India’s food industry, a testament of adherence to rigorous safety and quality standards. Its significance cannot be overstated, as it empowers consumers, regulatory authorities, and businesses alike. By enabling all stakeholders to readily check FSSAI License Number online, Food Safety & Standards Authority of India collectively upholds the commitment to safe, trustworthy, and superior-quality food products, fostering a healthier and more secure food ecosystem for all.



Q1: Why should you check FSSAI License Number online?

Checking FSSAI License Numbers online is essential to verify the authenticity and compliance of food businesses. It ensures that they adhere to food safety and quality standards, promoting consumer confidence.

Q2: How can I check FSSAI License Number online?

To check FSSAI License Number Online, visit the official FSSAI website, locate the ‘License/Registration’ or ‘FBO Search’ section, enter the license number, and submit it for verification.

Q3: Is it necessary for consumers to check FSSAI License Number online?

Yes, it’s advisable for consumers to check FSSAI License Number Online when purchasing food products. It empowers them to make informed choices and ensures the products they consume meet regulatory standards.

Q4: What information can I find when I check FSSAI License Number online?

When you check FSSAI License Number online you can access details such as the business name, license type, status, validity period, product categories covered, and compliance status.

Q5: How frequently should I check FSSAI License Number online for a food business?

It’s a good practice to check FSSAI License Number each time you engage with a food business, especially if you’re purchasing products from them. Regular verification ensures ongoing compliance and safety.

3 thoughts on “How to check FSSAI License Number online?”

  1. Your Article on FSSAI license number explanation is good . Can you tell me , what is the Process and Required documents for Trademark registration?

  2. Steps to check the FSSAI license online are clear and easy. Thanks for sharing this helpful information with us.

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