
List of Documents Required for Trademark Registration of a Startup

Rewati Krishnan
Setindiabiz Team |inUpdated : January 21, 2025

Overview : With the rapid expansion of startup culture in India, a larger number of entrepreneurs are joining this trend with every passing month. In this competitive business age, protecting a business’s unique mark of identification/recognition is necessary; this is where the role of a trademark comes into play. Trademark registration establishes brand recognition and enforces legal protection of your registered mark, name, or symbol against infringement, misuse, or any other harmful case. In this blog, we’ll shed light on documents required for trademark registration of startups in India.


A trademark is a unique and easily recognizable mark, word, or combination of words, signs, phrases, or symbols that differentiate a specific brand or its products/services range from others in the market. It also enables customers to quickly recognize a particular brand's product and the ownership company. To establish such recognition, businesses must register their unique mark of identification as a trademark. Any individual or entity applying for trademark registration must satisfy certain documents' requirements depending upon their type!

Why Trademarks are Important for Startups?

Startups are writing new business growth stories and becoming very big within a very short span of time. In some cases, they are challenging the well-established traditional business houses in terms of growth and customer acquisition. These innovative startups must ensure that the IP Rights of their startup remain well protected in India and in all other territories where the startups are doing business or shall explore further business in the times to come.

It is often said that the best asset a startup has is the intellectual property that it has acquired over a period of time, and these IPRs are valuable far more than tangible assets. However, we have seen that at the initial stage, these startups do not give much importance to ensure full protection of the trademark. With our affordable IPR protection services, startups can ensure comprehensive protection of their intellectual property rights.

Documents for Trademark Registration of a Startup

Similar to other business structures in India, a startup must also furnish specific documents for successful trademark registration of its visual mark (s) or symbol. The documents required for registering a trademark of a startup, as well as a link of the video describing key documents for trademark, are listed below;

Mandatory Documents

  • Completely Filled Questionnaire
  • Evidence of User Date
  • Affidavit in support of the user date
  • Attorney Authorisation (POA)
  • MSME or Startup India Certificate (Optional)

Power of Attorney or Trademark Authorisation

A Power of Attorney (POA) is a pivotal document required during the online trademark registration process for a startup. It must be prepared on ₹100 stamp paper as per the format prescribed by the trademark office in India. This document authorises a legal representative, mainly an agent or attorney, to file the trademark application for a startup. A startup director must also sign the POA and get it notarised.

Proof of First Adoption or User Affidavit

If a trademark application is filed with a claim of prior use, it is mandatory to submit supporting evidence, such as a User Affidavit and documents confirming the adoption or first use of the trademark. Examples include dated invoices, promotional materials, or agreements. However, no supporting documents are needed for the trademark applications marked "proposed to be used." The User Affidavit must provide a clear timeline and description of the usage of the trademark.

Image of Logo, Device Mark, or Symbol

While registering a logo, symbol, device mark, or any visual representation, a startup is required to upload a digital copy of the proposed trademark. This image must adhere to the specifications outlined by the trademark office, typically requiring a high-resolution JPEG or PNG file with a minimum resolution of 300 DPI to ensure clarity.

Why Setindiabiz?

Setindiabiz values your spirit of entrepreneurship; therefore, it is committed to catering to a number of compliance and regulatory needs with its fully professional approach. In the same context, Setindiabiz's team has also got your back in your trademark registration journey. We strive to provide our patrons with premium-quality trademark registration service at a reasonable cost to help you safeguard your business identification and get your mark registered successfully under the Trademark Act.
Give your startup’s exclusivity 360-degree protection with Setindiabiz’s tech-driven and professional trademark registration service!


Adhering to the aforementioned list of documents required for trademark registration of a startup is essential to applying and getting your unique mark/symbol registered. Check your documents' list before applying for trademark registration, as it will help you register your mark efficiently. Seeking assistance from a trademark professional/agency is always advisable.