This article explains the requirements for registration with the Local Police Authority for the branch office (BO), liaison office (LO), or project office (PO) established in India in case the parent company is incorporated in restricted countries such as Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Iran, China, Hong Kong, or Macau is required to register with the local state police authority having jurisdiction over the address where such BO, LP, and PO is registered. The registration with the local police is primarily for security and monitoring purposes. It helps the government authorities to keep track of foreign entities operating in India and ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.
Timing : The application for the registration of the branch office (BO), liaison office (LO), or project office (PO) with the Local Police Authority having territorial jurisdiction must be filed immediately after the AD/RBI approves the establishment of such BO/LO/PO.
To register BO/Lo/PO, the authorised representative of such offices should visit the office of the superintendent of police, who has jurisdiction over the registered address in India. The application for registration with the local police authority is made on the letterhead of the branch office and duly signed by its authorised signatory in India. The application should include the following particulars.
Additional Requirements : The local police authority may request additional documents or information or require the information to be submitted in a specific form or format, which may differ from state to state. The AD Bank must also forward the RBI approval letter to the Ministry of Home Affairs for necessary action and records.
Although registration of the branch office, Liaison Office or Project Office with the police authorities is not required in all cases, it is mandatory for those branch offices of the company or corporation registered or incorporated in restricted countries such as Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Iran, China, Hong Kong, or Macau. For any assistance establishing the branch office, do not hesitate to contact us.