The LLP Settlement Scheme 2020 was unveiled by India's Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The plan is designed to temporarily alleviate the requirements for paying the condonation fines for late document submission for defaulting LLPs. The LLPSS is a huge relief for the LLPs that had failed to file the LLP Agreement or the annual return for the LLP to the ROC. According to the LLP Settlement Scheme, an LLP may submit all outstanding returns to the ROC up until December 31, 2020, without incurring any further fees or penalties. The LLP Settlement Scheme 2020 provides all defaulting LLPs with a single opportunity to submit their outstanding returns, documents, etc., to ROC without paying any further fees or penalties.
Reasons and Goals of LLP Settlement Scheme
LLP Settlement Scheme Benefits & Applicability
Forms covered by LLPSS-2020
Form 3: To file the Limited Liability Partnership Agreement and any changes made to it
Form 4: Notification of the appointment, termination, change of name, address, or designation of a designated partner or partner, as well as consent to become a partner or designated partner
Form 5: Notice of LLP Name Change
Form 8: Statement of Account and Solvency (Annual or Interim)
Form 11: Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Annual Return
Form-12: Form for notifying a different address for maintenance of documents, registers, and records
Form 15: Notice of Change of Registered Office
Form 22: Notifies the Registrar of an order from a court, tribunal, or the central government
Form 23: Notice by the ROC to a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) instructing to change its name
Form 29: Notice of changes to the Certificate of Incorporation or Registration, changes to any person authorized to undertake filings on behalf of a Foreign Limited Liability Partnership, and a change to Foreign LLP’s primary place of business in India or ceasing to maintain a commercial location in India
Form 31: Request for a compounding offense.
Forms not covered by LLPSS-2020
Action against defaulting LLPs once LLPSS-2020 Expires
In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, the Indian government launched LLPSS-2020, a significant project that intends to enhance the ease of doing business in India by easing the compliance burden for many defaulting LLPs and giving them the chance to start again as fully compliant companies.