Every LLP has to file an annual return on form 11 to the registrar of companies within 60 days of ending the financial year. The filing of ROC returns are optional if your LLP is newly incorporated. Please refer to above for the eligibility and due date.
Table of Contents
Check Applicability of Form 11 on Your LLP
Every LLP is required to file its annual return within 60 days of the closure of the financial year. It means that the form 11 for the financial year 2019-20 must be filed before 30th May 2020. However for recently incorporated LLP which got incorporated on or after 1st October 2019, the filing of Form 11 (Annual Return) is optional for the FY 2019-20.
Make Preparations for Filing of Form 11 of your LLP
- Form 11 is filed digitally
- DSC of the partners must be valid
- Prepare List of the Designated
- Partners on the LLP Letterhead
- Keep information handy like change
- in partners or registered office etc
Download latest eform Form 11 from mca portal and fill it
The latest version of LLP Form -11 is available at the mca portal for download. The old forms are not accepted for filing my mca portal. Most of the fields of the form get pre-filled based on the LLP data available with the registrar of companies. Check it correctly and then proceed to attach the designated partner details.
Process to file the Form -11 is as under
- Digitally sign the Form -11 with the DSC of the partners
- If required get form 11 attested by Company Secretary
- Perform a pre scrutiny of the eform
- Upload the form at MCA Portal
- Pay the ROC Fee
Update compliance record of the LLP and Legal File
After your LLP has filed its annual return in Form -11, check the SRN status at the mca portal. Once the annual return of the LLP gets approved, it means that the same has been concluded successfully. Update your records and legal File with the following documents
- Form -11 (Final form which was approved by ROC)
- Fee Receipt of filing the Form 11
- Attachments to the digital form such as List of Designated Partner.