
Term of copyright protection

Rewati Krishnan
Setindiabiz Team |inUpdated : June 17, 2024

Overview :The duration of Copyright Protection varies depending on several factors, such as the type of work being protected, the status of its publication, and the applicable laws under the Copyright Act. It is within this period that creators have the freedom to prevent unauthorized use or infringement of their work, monetize their work by negotiating licensing agreements with third parties, and build their reputation as a creator in the market.

Factors on which the Term of Copyright Depends

The duration of copyright protection is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It varies based on several factors, each playing a role in determining the span of time during which creators enjoy exclusive rights over their works. Let’s delve deeper to understand these key factors in a little more detail.

Factors on which the Term of Copyright Depends

1. Type of Work

The nature of the creative work itself is a significant determinant of its copyright duration. Different categories of works, such as literary, artistic, musical, and cinematographic works, may have distinct copyright terms. For instance, a literary work may have a different duration of copyright protection compared to a musical composition or a film.

2. Authorship and Collaboration

The identity of the author or authors of a work can also impact the copyright term. In cases of collaboration, where multiple individuals contribute to the creation of a single work, the term of copyright protection may be influenced by factors like the joint authorship, individual contributions, and agreements between the creators.

3. Date of Creation or Publication

The timing of the creation or publication of a work plays a crucial role in determining its copyright duration. Copyright laws often define specific timeframes, such as the year of creation or publication, as the starting point for calculating the duration of validity.

4. International Copyright Agreements

International copyright agreements and treaties also shape the copyright duration in a given country. Countries may align the provisions of their copyright protection terms with the minimum standards set forth in the agreements they are party to, ensuring a level of harmonization and protection for works across borders.

Term of Copyright Protection

Now that we are aware of the factors affecting the term of Copyright Protection in India, let’s understand the exact terms one by one.

In the case of a literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic work, the term of copyright extends throughout the lifetime of the author or artist plus sixty years after his death. This period of sixty years is calculated from the year following the death of the author or artist. However, In case of joint authorship work, this period of sixty years shall be counted at or immediately before the date of death of the author who dies last. In case of posthumous works, that is literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic works which are published after the author’s death, the sixty years period is calculated from the date of first publication

Whereas the work is Cinematographic works, Sound recording, photograph, Government work, international work the copyright is protected for sixty years calculated from the year following the date of its publication. If the works are posthumous, then these sixty years will be calculated from the date of creation. Apart from these, the Broadcaster’s reproduction rights are protected by copyright for 25 years following the year in which the broadcast is made, and the performer’s rights are protected for 50 years following the year in which the performance is done.

S.No.Copyright in relation toTerm of Copyright
1.Literary Work Artistic Work Dramatic Work Musical Work (Published)Life of Author + 60 Years After Death
2.Literary Work Artistic Work Dramatic Work Musical Work (Posthumous)60 Years After the First Publication of the Work
3.Anonymous Works, Photographs Cinematographic Film, Sound Recordings Government Work (Published)60 Years from the end of the year in which the work was first published
4.Anonymous Works, Photographs Cinematographic Film, Sound Recordings Government Work (Unpublished)60 Years from the end of the year in which the work was first created
5.Broadcasts made by the broadcasting organizations25 Years from the end of the year in which the broadcast was first made


Understanding the validity term of copyrights in India is vital for both creators and consumers alike. It ensures that creators are granted exclusive rights over their works for a specified period, allowing them to control their creations and reap the rewards of their artistic endeavors. Simultaneously, it strikes a balance by eventually opening up creative works to the public domain, fostering innovation and collective cultural enrichment.

By staying informed about copyright laws and actively participating in discussions surrounding copyright duration, we can contribute to a fair and balanced system that supports and respects the rights of creators while promoting the free flow of knowledge and artistic expression.


1.What is the duration of copyright protection in India?
2.Can copyright protection be extended beyond the initial duration?
3.What happens to copyrighted works after the copyright term expires?
4.Are there any exceptions to copyright duration in India?
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