
RCMC for Food Exporters APEDA
Registration for Exporters

We help food product exporters obtain Registration Cum Membership Certificates (RCMC) from APEDA. In our packages, we provide you with eligibility checks, application drafting, online filing and follow-up for the grant of RCMC from APEDA.

APEDA Registration For Exporter

For exporters of scheduled agriculture and processed food, the registration under APEDA is mandatory. The APEDA Registration is a one-time registration that enables members of APEDA several benefits from the government schemes on the export of agricultural products and processed food.

APEDA Registration

Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) is an agency of Government of India constituted under Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority Act,1985 to further the development of export of scheduled products by way of providing financial assistance, information, statistics, formulating standards & implementing it leading to the development of scheduled products. The products specified under the APEDA ACT are called schedule products.

All the exporters of scheduled product(s) need to register themselves with APEDA. The application for registration shall be made within a month from the date of an undertaking of such export unless the time limit for aforesaid registration is extended by the Authority for sufficient cause. This registration is one-time registration and shall be valid and subsisting unless it is cancelled by the Authority.

Objective of APEDA

The purpose of APEDA is to promote export & development of schedule products, to achieve this objective various functions has been assigned by the central government to this body. The central Government is controlling authority of this body. The authority needs to carry out the direction given and to implement the rules framed by the central government for carrying out the purposes & efficient administration of this Act. This Act is an additional provision and is not a relaxation of provision of any other law enforceable for the time being.

Benefits of APEDA Registration

thumbIt’s a mandatory registration by the exporters of scheduled products.

thumbIt is a one-time registration.

thumbIt enables the registered exporter to apply for financial assistance schemes of APEDA.

thumbIt enables registered members to participate in training programmes organised in various aspects of the Industries for scheduled products.

Important points in APEDA Registration


To get APEDA registration application shall be made to Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India. Once the application duly filed and paid by the applicant, the authority will issue Registration -Cum- Membership- Certificate (RCMC). The applicant must mention the main line of business at the time of making an application for CMC so that the same can be referred to the relevant commodity board or Export promotion Council relating to that line of business. For APEDA registration visit setindiabiz.com


The application for registration shall be made within a month from the date of undertaking of export. However, the Authority may for valid reason extend the time limit for seeking APEDA registration for such period as it may think proper.


It registration is one-time registration and shall be valid and subsisting unless it is cancelled by the Authority. All the registered members are governed by the rules & regulations under the Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority Act (APEDA ACT).


Central government will be the controlling authority and makes the provision for prohibition, restriction or otherwise controlling import or export of scheduled products, any person contravening any of the above provisions shall be liable for imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or fine or both in addition to the confiscation & penalty provision under Customs Act.


Financial assistance is provided to the registered members for brand publicity through advertisement, packaging development, surveys, consultancy and database upgradation etc. This is possible only if the business is registered with APEDA. For APEDA registration visit setindiabiz.com.